RU Maranello team

Our Team

Our employees define the success of Racing Unleashed. The shared vision and motivation to make sustainable esports grow are at the heart of everything we do. Get to know the people who drive Racing Unleashed forward at full throttle every day.

The Board

Fernandez Francisco 071 breit 11zon

Francisco Fernandez - Chief Executive Officer

Felekis Dimitris 015 breit 11zon

Dimitris Felekis - Chief Information Officer

Huerlimann Florian 100 breit 11zon

Florian Hürlimann - Chief Technical Officer

Adhika L 11zon

Adhika Lang - Chief Business Development Officer

Muggli Frank 011 breit 11zon

Frank Muggli - Chief Financial Officer

Marion Willam

Marion Willam - Chief Marketing and Commercial Officer

Heads of Department

Orlandini Lorenzo web

Lorenzo Orlandini - General Manager Maranello

Habluetzel Daniel 056 breit 11zon

Daniel Hablützel - Head of Lounges

Fabiov 11zon

Fabio Vettiger - Head of Sports

Muriel R

Muriel Riedo - Head of HR

You want to be part of our team?

We are always looking for interesting personalities who share our passion and vision